Welcome to An unusual life

I created a niche existence for myself to thrive as a human being by living extremely cheap and in other people’s homes. That might sound weird and it probably is.
As a Housesitter, I watch the houses and pets of people who work abroad, thereby having the time and space to work on my writing and occasionally go for a walk.

Because I fucking love walking. Give me a backpack, tent, and destination and you won’t see me for months. Hiking opened my eyes and mind to a world bigger than anything I’ve ever experienced before. During the past years, I hiked over 10K kilometers, crossed 6 different countries (Spain 3x), and lived several months in a tent.

Long-Distance hiking and Housesitting have several things in common:

  • It’s an easy and cheap way of living

  • It’s adventurous and uncommon

  • It gives you time for introspection

I could have separated these two topics but decided against it because I believe An uncommon life should be told in an unruly way. If I’m gonna fuck up the rules of normality, why stop at a newsletter?

What do you get out of it?

First and foremost: Funny stories. If I ever become boring and you don’t laugh at anything, please send me a letter and I’ll personally reimburse you for your time.
Every day I’m training my great German Humor on my girlfriend and she still hasn’t left me.

Seriously, I’m anything but serious.

So all this weird stuff about being a Housesitter, Hikertrash, and writer will float up into your Inbox like plastic pollution from the ocean.

You, as a subscriber, are already a great person. If anyone should ever say otherwise count me in for rap battles, blindfold-running, or water fights. I’m on your team.

What do I get out of it?

This is a subscriber supported publication. Your contribution is the sole reason to keep it alive. Literally.
Writing costs money. It’s the time invested I can’t work on my OnlyFans, the electricity to keep my laptop running, the food to keep me from starving (and I’m one big ass trash bin of a culinary snob).

How to live An unusual life?

Living life differently may not be for everyone, but if you ever felt like breaking out of the system, riding your monstrosity of bicycle across the country, or simply living abroad in someone else’s house without paying rent, get in touch.
I will gladly answer all your question. I mean it. I’m happy as a kid talking about his favorite dinosaur when I can help someone break free of society and change the rules of the game.

When was the last time YOU did something for the first time?

Subscribe to An unusual life

The uncommon life of a housesitter, long-distance hiker, and writer. A weird combination for great stories and lots of fun!


Dennis Vigazzz is in his mid 30s, without a proper job or home, but hiked 10K+ kilometers, lives in other people's houses and writes stories. If you're searching for fun, humor and lack of seriousness, you're in for a wild ride.